Answers to questions about:
How do I sign up for a Free Trial Lesson?
You can book a FREE Trial Lesson for yourself or for your child online (themagicflute.opus1.io), by phone (415-479-3112), or by coming into the store.
How do I sign up for weekly paid lessons?
After the trial lesson, you can book a monthly lesson subscription with that teacher, or take free trial lesson with another teacher. Normally, after the trial lesson, you will receive an email inviting you to enroll in a lesson subscription at the same day/time as the trial lesson using an online link. You can also contact us by phone/text (415-479-3112), text (415-991-3911), or by coming into the store, and we’ll book the monthly lesson subscription for you.
How long is each weekly lesson, and how much do they cost?
Lessons are weekly for at least 30 minutes. Following the initial lesson, schedule permitting, weekly lesson length can be extended to 45 or 60 minutes. 30-minute lessons are $48, 45-minute lessons are $72, and 60-minute lessons are $96. Lesson subscriptions are billed monthly in advance, with the amount depending upon how many weekly lessons are scheduled each month (i.e., some months have 5 weeks of lessons, some months have 4 weeks). Lessons are billed via credit card kept on file in Opus1 (themagicflute.opus1.io).
What level of commitment is required?
Lesson subscriptions are billed monthly in advance for weekly lessons, with the amount depending upon how many weekly lessons are scheduled each month (i.e., some months have 5 weeks of lessons, some months have 4 weeks). We cannot book “occasional” lessons (i.e., every other week, drop in, etc.).
Can my two children take lessons from the same teacher at the same time?
Private, weekly, one-on-one lessons are a very effective way to learn to play a musical instrument. Sometimes siblings are interested in learning the same instrument. If they are very close in age, interest, temperament, attention span, etc., then it may be possible to book them for shared lessons. However, this is highly contingent upon teacher availability and teacher approval.
What is the cancelled lesson policy?
For cancellation or schedule change requests without sufficient notice (i.e., less than 24 hours prior to the lesson time) or lesson no-shows, no makeup lessons, lesson credits, or refunds will be issued.
For cancellations with sufficient notice, a credit will be issued for the lesson, which can then be applied as payment for a makeup lesson or toward a future subscription payment.
Students are limited to three (3) cancellations with sufficient notice within a 90-day period, and no more than four (4) cancellations with sufficient notice can be held in credit at a time. Credits for cancellations beyond these limits will be forfeited.
How do I cancel a lesson?
Cancellations can be done via Opus1.io (themagicflute.opus1.io), or by contacting The Magic Flute by phone/text (415-479-3112), text (415-991-3911), or via email ([email protected]), and we encourage students/parents to also notify the teacher directly. For cancellations with sufficient notice (i.e., done more than 24 hours prior to the next lesson time), a credit will be issued for the lesson, which can then be applied as payment for a makeup lesson or toward a future subscription payment. Lesson schedule changes (i.e., switching to another day/time) are contingent upon teacher availability and approval, and must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the next lesson in the current schedule.
To cancel a lesson in Opus1, log in to your account, then click on the lesson that you want to cancel, then click the cancel button.
How do I reschedule a single lesson, or change the day/time of my lesson subscription?
You can request to reschedule a lesson or request changes to a recurring schedule (e.g., change recurring day/time, or change length of lessons) by contacting The Magic Flute by phone/text (415-479-3112), text (415-991-3911), or via email ([email protected]). Rescheduling requests must be made at least 24hrs prior to the next lesson time and are contingent upon schedule availability.
How do I schedule a make-up lesson?
Notification of cancellation does NOT guarantee a makeup lesson. Makeup lessons will be subject to the availability of the teacher. All makeup lessons must occur within 30 days of the missed lesson. If you cancelled a lesson and received a make-up lesson credit, you can arrange for a make-up lesson by directly talking with the teacher, or by contacting The Magic Flute by phone/text (415-479-3112), text (415-991-3911), or via email ([email protected]).
If a make-up lesson cannot be arranged, the credit can be applied toward a future subscription payment.
How do I plan for my vacation?
Let The Magic Flute know by phone/text (415-479-3112), text (415-991-3911), or via email ([email protected]) as early as possible about any planned absences of more than two (2) lessons in a row. In the case that a student must miss three (3) or more lessons in a row, The Magic Flute may need to 1) remove the student from the Teacher’s schedule, 2) cancel the lesson subscription, and 3) refund any outstanding lesson credits. After such absence, there will be no guarantee that the student can resume a lesson subscription with the same teacher at the same day/time as the canceled subscription.
What is Opus1?
Opus1 (themagicflute.opus1.io) is a web-based platform designed specifically for the performing arts. It provides a unique learning and communication environment for Parents, Students and Teachers involved in music lessons. Parents and Students can use any device with a web browser to access Opus1. When you sign up (yourself, or your child) for music lesson with The Magic Flute, you become a member of our lessons program in Opus1. Opus1 allows you to view your profile, lesson schedule, subscription details, and invoices. You can also use Opus1 to enter/change your payment information (i.e., credit card), cancel lessons, and communicate with your teacher.
How do I log in to Opus1?
If you self-booked a free trial lesson via the online booking portal (themagicflute.opus1.io/w/freetrial), then you have already established an account. Your email is your username. If you don’t remember your password, you can always gain access by going to themagicflute.opus1.io and entering your email address, then clicking the “GET A LOGIN LINK BY EMAIL” button. Once you are logged in to Opus1, you can then reset your password (look for the icons to the left of your profile).
How do I change my communication (email, text) notification preferences in Opus1?
If you are getting too many emails or texts, or if you prefer to get one or the other, you can always customize your notification preferences from within Opus1. See the screenshot below for the preference settings: